One type of semiconductor is the SCR ( silicon controller rectifier) which will be connected to the AC line voltage. 其中一类半导体是连接到交流线电压的可控硅(SCR)。
4H-SiC MPS is a promising power semiconductor rectifier. 4H-SiCMPS是很有前途的半导体功率整流器。
A survey of the methods for the analysis of synchronous generator semiconductor rectifier systems 同步发电机半导体整流系统分析方法综述
Junction temperature calculation for semiconductor devices in electric locomotive rectifier 电力机车整流机组器件结温计算
A semiconductor thermal fluctuation rectifier has been constructed, efficiency of the device and thermal current have been calculated. 进一步构建了一个简单的半导体热整流器,计算了装置的效率和热电流。
With the development of the electronic semiconductor devices and soft-switching technology, high-power switching power supply has been widely applied, and it shows a distinct advantage in efficiency, size, weight, power factor, response speed, etc. compared to the traditional phase-controlled rectifier power supply. 随着电力电子半导体器件和软开关技术的发展,大功率开关电源得到了广泛的应用,与传统的相控整流电源相比,它在效率、体积、重量、功率因数、响应速度等方面优势显著。